Below are the Ladies of Coosa Creek Past Click on some of their pictures to see their little families throughout the years. They have all crossed Rainbow Bridge. As you will read, they live on in our hearts every day. |
CCC's primadonna and my "heart" Cavalier! Clover was my dream-come-true, the product of my first two Cavaliers - O'Reilly and Bailey. She is stately, cultured, and has manners like no other. Clover gets one of the spots in my bed, EVERY night -- she couldn't imagine taking turns! Clover is heart clear in 2015 and will be 10 years old, and I am proud to say I have five generations of her line. Clover is a great-grandma too! My dearest Clover -- you were my heart dog and carried me through that dark time long ago. It was so hard to say goodbye. Thank you for letting me know your time here on earth was over. Everywhere I look, you are with me. We will meet again . . . |
Pennie is CCC's "lady in red." She has a heart of gold and is always waiting at your feet for a hug! Pennie sneaks around the kitchen looking for tidbits...and they're not usually carrots or apples! Update May, 2006 Pennie has gone to a forever home where she gets all the kisses, hugs and carrot treats -- not having to share anymore! Special thanks to Bonnie and family for opening their hearts to Pennie. All my love goes with you Pennie-girl! Pennie's daughter Dixie (Coosa Creek's Dixie Chick) will carry on the second generation Ruby tradition here at CCC! Update 2015 -- Dixie's daughter Darla (Coosa Creek's Dixie Darlin') is now carrying on the wholecolour tradition here at Coosa Creek. |
CCC's calm and reserved lady! Mackenzie has a personality that is coy and demure, and she always finds a reason to NOT show up on camera day! She never asks for anything, but is right by your side pawing at your hand for a gentle caress. October 2015, Kenzie will be 12 years old. At her last dental in February 2015, she was heart clear. Another healthy Irish girl! Sweet Mackenzie, forgive me for missing you. I know, I know, you always gave me that look that said, "Toughen up Mom, it's not that bad. Shoulders back, chin up, and I'll be quietly by your side." Kenz, I miss your strength, beautiful lady. #irishstrong |
CCC's Phoebe is "in love" with everyone she meets! Phoebe is lively, gay and full of life, and she melts in your arms when you hold her. Her eyes are the window to her gentle spirit. Phoebe is 11 now (September 2015), living as a companion to an elderly family member. She is still heart clear. That face!! Phebes, you did good taking care of Grandma Allen. And when she left our world, you came home to Momma Juli. Very shortly after we said our goodbyes because life for you was not life without Grandma Allen. You mourned her so. You are sitting in her lap right now in heaven, and she's got the homemade mac n' cheese cooking for you! |
Savannah's intelligence tests my patience here at CCC! She's the one who knows the difference between right and wrong --- need I say more. We love our Savannah, who adds spice to the Coosa Creek gang! |
Our Shawna has the kindest heart of all our Cavaliers and keeps us humble here at CCC! Shawna's kindred spirit shines bright. She is my daughter's Cavalier and is our most willing to please. She has manners that are unmatched. Shawna turns 13 in October. Still going strong with no heart murmur. She lives with my daughter who has welcomed my first grandchild into the Drago family. Shawna's daughter Kaia brought us her granddaughter, Hannah. Three wonderful generations, with the fourth on the way! Shawna, the grief I still feel after your passing at 15.5 in Allie's arms is too much for Momma Juli to bear. Someday I will write the beautiful story of how you waited all those years with me, so patiently for her to come home - college, boys, finding her way. And then she came back for you....and you finally had peace. |
Click on Shawna's picture to see her previous litter |
CCC's Calypso loves to strike a pose for the camera! Calypso is our "almost adult" Cavalier. She is calm and independent, and her happiest time is with her chew bone under the tree -- not sharing with anyone! |
Our Next Generation of Stars at Coosa Creek Coosa Creek's "Next Generation" is growing up. Raising healthy, next generation Coosa Creek Cavaliers involves developing confidence and sociability, learning to share, and enjoying fun times. UPDATE -- These too have passed on after leaving their mark here at Coosa Creek in the generations that followed them. |
"Clementine" Coosa Creek's Clementine Be Mine (Tri-Colour) Clementine is Clover/Waffle's daughter |
"Ladybug" Coosa Creek's Ladybug in Love (Tri-Colour) Ladybug is Phoebe/Waffle's daughter |
"Dixie" Coosa Creek's Dixie Chick (Ruby) Dixie is Pennie/Winston's daughter |
"Tatum" Coosa Creek's Enchanted Lady (Blenheim) Tatum is Phoebe/Waffle's daughter |
If there is additional Cavalier information you would like that is not within these pages, please give me a call or send me an e-mail. I will be happy to answer any questions you may have. |
Coosa Creek Cavaliers. All rights reserved. Website Design: Juli Polachek-Drago, Coosa Creek, LLC |
"Dollie" Penny's Crown of Coosa Creek (Blenheim) A little Irish beauty! |
Contact Juli Polachek-Drago 561-767-0616 |
"Sabryna" You're A Star at Coosa Creek (Blenheim, 16lbs.) |
"Clover" Coosa Creek's Clover C'Mon Over (Tri-Colour, 17 lbs.) |
"Mackenzie" Forever Faithful at Coosa Creek (Blenheim, 17 lbs.) |
"Pennie" Precious Copper Penny at Coosa Creek (Ruby) |
"Phoebe" Creek Lady at Coosa Creek (Tri-Colour) |
"Savannah" Princess Lillianna of Coosa Creek (Blenheim) |
"Shawna" Brilliant Snowdrop at Coosa Creek (Blenheim) |
"Calypso" Miss Poppy of Coosa Creek (Black/Tan) |
Click on Savannah's picture to see her previous litter |
CCC's Matriarch of the Ladies! Sabryna has been with me since the early days. Now spayed, she teaches all the generations behind her to be "team-players" -- except of course when it comes to the Oinkies pork rolls. They belong to HER! Sabryna is always just a butt-wiggle away. And....she's a GREAT GRANDMA! UPDATE ~ In November 2014, my precious Sabryna passed over Rainbow Bridge. She was 11.2 years old. Sabryna helped me raise my son; she had homework patrol with Danny (see below). She is now raising all the little boys in heaven that need her. RIP in my sweet "Sooshi!" We had so many funny names for her - Sooshi, Subee, Sue, Sooz. She was an amazing family dog! |
My Cavalier moms and dads receive heart, eye, knee clearances with Board Certified Specialists |
Pennie with her forever family! |
Shawna waiting . . . a loyalty that never waivered. |