Coosa Creek Adult Cavaliers Available for Forever Homes

What makes a Coosa Creek Adult Cavalier desirable?
They are young and healthy, have been cared for by board certified specialists in
Palm Beach County and live with me in
and around my home.

If a puppy might not be for you, considering an adult Cavalier may be the way to
go.  Most of my available adults are under 6 years of age, have been
spayed/neutered, are up to date on all vaccinations including rabies, and have
recently had a professional dental cleaning.
There is a fee for my adults, but it is considerably less than a puppy.

One last thing which I feel is very important . . . nothing is ever in stone with my
adults.  If you adopt one and for some reason or another it doesn't work out, they
come right back here to me.  It is important to me that when placing my adults, it is
the right fit for them and the new family (and of course my puppies too).

If you are interested in a Coosa Creek adult, please contact me at: or (561) 767-0616
Occasionally an adult may be available

"I'm Sold!"

If you're interested in an adult Cavalier, email me for
an update on any available adults and to schedule a
Coosa Creek visit!
Or call, 561-767-0616 (email is quickest for updates!)